The value of fully-enriched product data
Do you sell online? Have you considered the importance of up to date, fully-enriched product info? If not, you should, because your customers won’t buy your products without it! Let’s look at a case in point.
Have you ever found what looked like the perfect product online? But when you looked more closely, there were few or no product details such as features, attributes, logistical info, data sheets, images, videos and so on? If so, did you then go on to buy the product?
I’d be willing to bet the answer is ‘No.’ And that’s because you didn’t have enough information at your fingertips to make that all-important purchasing decision. And if you then went on to find a different product from a competitor that had useful, detailed and up to date information, you probably went ahead and bought that one.
Where product data fits into the e-commerce buying journey
The buying journey a customer follows online is simple enough, as shown below. However, if the customer isn’t given enough (or any) information at the critical Consideration stage, how can you expect them to move on to make the purchase?
The customer buying journey
Other key benefits of fully-enriched product data
As a product manufacturer or seller, there are many other financial benefits associated with having or providing full product details across all your distribution channels. These include:
How a Proplanet Product Information Management (PIM) can help
A Proplanet PIM solution gives you full control of how you manage and share your enriched product data across all your distribution channels dynamically – meaning all your product details are up to date as soon as any changes are made. There are many benefits to choosing a Proplanet PIM.