Catalogue management

Fast & efficient catalogue creation

Transforming your product data into a format suitable for export to an online or printed product catalogue can be tricky and time-consuming. Product data might be saved in a range of different formats and at varying stages of completeness and accuracy. Trying to put together a selection of catalogues for different audience segments becomes a daunting task.

Printed or online catalogues – or both

Proplanet wanted to make life easier for our clients. That starts with our Autopub module, which enables product data to be categorised into a tree structure so it can then be used to produce online or print catalogues, either using an industry-standard classification model such as ETIM, GS1 or UNSPSC, or in line with your own company preferences.

The Proplanet PIM’s automatic text generator comes into its own here, working with the ETIM classification system to compile product descriptions based on characteristics in your PIM database.

Once your product data has been structured and enriched, your catalogue layouts can be created and produced in Adobe InDesign, which integrates seamlessly with the Proplanet PIM. Our AutoPub service enables you to create your choice of printed and/or online product brochures as well as online flip books and other types of sales and marketing collateral.

Classify and structure data in line with industry standards
Fast page building with ‘drag and drop’ functionality
Create catalogues in different languages and currencies
New catalogues are instantly print-ready
Update online catalogues in real-time
Produce sell sheets, price lists and more using the InDesign plug-in

From product data to a product catalogue

From product data to catalogue - infographic

From PIM to InDesign

Since 2022, we’ve partnered with Channel Studios, expert in the field of printing product catalogues. This collaboration, together with our AutoPub module, enables you to easily design your product catalogue in InDesign and to keep it up-to-date. In the video below, we briefly explain how this works.

"Having a catalogue means you can put your product offering right there on a prospective customer’s desk, either by sending it through the post or taking it along to a sales meeting.

Paul Duggleby - Channel Studios

Paul Duggleby
Director at Channel Studios

“This is highly effective from a marketing viewpoint, as you’re not leaving the discovery of your brand to chance. It’s a great way to speed up market access, acquire new accounts and increase both average order and customer lifetime values.”

Ready to publish your catalogue?

Proplanet PIM System